Posted by Thomas Strubinger on May 1, 2014 in Animated Quotes made from AnimatedGifs, Quotes, Tom's Blog
“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” ~ Mae West About Thomas StrubingerHusband, Father, Foodie, Cardinal Fan. I am just an average joe, trying to make my way in this world. Living the dream in Juno Beach, Florida, and raising my kids right. I believe the most important things in life are your health and happiness.Mail | Web | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Google+ | More Posts...
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Posted by Rachel Thomson on May 1, 2014 in Animated Quotes made from AnimatedGifs, Inspirational quotes, Quotes, Rachel's Blog
“One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.” — Abraham Maslow About Rachel ThomsonI am a part of the Internet Marketing team at Waterfront Properties & Club Communities , a family-owned business. I started working here in high school doing search engine optimization, and now after college I am back doing it full time. Along with SEO, I currently work on advertising, marketing, and social media projects.Mail | Web | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Google+ | More Posts...
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Posted by Rachel Thomson on Apr 30, 2014 in Animated Quotes made from AnimatedGifs, Quotes, Rachel's Blog
I found this to be a great quote, and that it would look cool on top of the lightning storm I did back on April 15th on Google+ “We are all in the same boat in a stormy sea, and we owe each other a terrible loyalty.” – CK. Chesterton About Rachel ThomsonI am a part of the Internet Marketing team at Waterfront Properties & Club Communities , a family-owned business. I started working here in high school doing search engine optimization, and now after college I am back doing it full time. Along with SEO, I currently work on advertising, marketing, and social media projects.Mail | Web | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Google+ | More Posts...
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Posted by Thomas Strubinger on Apr 23, 2014 in Animated Quotes made from AnimatedGifs, Quotes, Tom's Blog
Dr. Suess is one of my favorites to read to my kids, I love the way the rhymes roll of my tongue and the inspiration he creates. “To think they found it on Mulberry Street?” is often used for sales departments, while “Yertle the Turtle” & “The Lorax” have real life lessons to be learned. Yertle the Turtle, if I was pressed to pick one, is my favorite story by Suess, the premise is that communist type King Yertle is unhappy with his throne of a stone, and he stacks Turtles to make his view farther. not happy with a “9 turtle stack” he stacks even higher, until the bottom turtle Mack complains and Yertle decides the Stack needs to be higher still. When Mack burps and knocks down the stack, the turtles are freed. The final line of the story goes “And turtles, of course … all the turtles are free / As turtles, and maybe, all creatures should be.” Last night I read my daughter “The Lorax”, ironic that it was actually Earth Day, and while I didn’t plan it, I felt like I did maybe just a small part… They say you need to teach them when their young, haha Two maybe a little too young. So I’ll just continue to teach her. “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” – The Lorax About Thomas StrubingerHusband, Father, Foodie, Cardinal Fan. I am just an average joe, trying to make my way in this world. Living the dream in Juno Beach, Florida, and raising my kids right. I believe the most important things in life are your health and happiness.Mail | Web | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Google+ | More Posts...
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Posted by Thomas Strubinger on Apr 21, 2014 in Animated Quotes made from AnimatedGifs, Quotes, Tom's Blog
This Robert Frost quote means a lot to me, I have read it over 1000 times in my life, and really have tried to set my path or lack there of based upon these words of wisdom. I think I find solace in knowing that I am not the only one out there who beats to a different drum. The fact that Mr. Frost felt this way about blazing his own course sets me at ease in doing the same. The Road Not Taken ~ Robert Frost Quote Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. About Thomas StrubingerHusband, Father, Foodie, Cardinal Fan. I am just an average joe, trying to make my way in this world. Living the dream in Juno Beach, Florida, and raising my kids right. I believe the most important things in life are your health and happiness.Mail | Web | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Google+ | More Posts...
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